Purple Hunt *-*

Blusa/Blouse: :: PM :: Dress me Purple Hunt #8  (Free)
 Dica: Procure o ovo colado no vendor "Lara" / Tip: Look for the egg stuck in vendor "Lara"

Calça/Pants: :: PM :: Dress me Purple Hunt #7 (Free)
 Dica: Procure o ovo no chão ao lado do sofá/Tip: Look for the egg on the floor beside the couch

Cordão/Necklace: :: PM :: Dress me Purple Hunt #2  (Free)
Dica: Procure o ovo no lustre /Tip: Look for the egg in the buff

Maquiagem/Makeup: Pink Acid  NEW!! (Not Free)

Botas/Boots: Item já postado /Item has already posted
