Flowers ☺
Sapato/Shoes: [PM] Pixel Mode - Fae Wedge Denim[A] - Faded (free / subscribe) - history: May 13
Chaveiro na boca/keychain in mouth : FreakyDesign - Flowers keychain (free / Poppin' Penguin Hunt!: May Flowers Edition) - procurar um passarinho rosa / look for a pink bird
Unhas/Nails: R.icielli - French nails (L$15 - Marketplace) - unhas para avatares com mãos tamanhos 10 / nails designed to avatar's hand size 10
Unhas/Nails: R.icielli - French nails (L$15 - Marketplace) - unhas para avatares com mãos tamanhos 10 / nails designed to avatar's hand size 10
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